Berkenaan status Gary Steven Robbat yang akan menjalani latihan bersama kelab Bundesliga, Borussia Dortmund tidak lama lagi.

Astro Arena yang melaporkan JDT bagaikan mengingkari keputusan FAM jelas tidak berasas dan ia membuktikan betapa lemahnya media berkenaan yang gagal mendapat kesahihan daripada AFC sebelum menyiarkan berita.
Seharusnya pihak Astro Arena mendapat kesahihan dan melakukan rujukan yang lebih tepat kerana apa yang dilaporkan boleh mengelirukan malah sebagai penyiar media elektronik yang digembar-gembur sebagai nadi sukan utama perlu lebih berhati-hati dan tidak terlalu mengejar rating.
Kepada editor sukan Astro Arena, saudara Lukhman Salleh, janganlah sering memutarbelitkan fakta dan cuba menyekat kemajuan bola sepak yang dilakukan oleh JDT.
DYAM Brigadier Jeneral Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Tunku Mahkota Johor
Regarding the status of Steven Robbat, who will
training with Bundesliga giants Borussia Dortmund very soon.
An official letter from the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) clearly states that the three-month ban imposed on the 23-year-old by the Football Association of Malaysia (FAM) is only effective within Malaysia only.
Astro Arena's report implying JDT of going against the FAM's decision clearly does not hold water and proves how inefficient they are in obtaining any form of confirmation from the AFC before publishing the news.
Astro Arena should have obtained some confirmation and checked on their sources because they could potentially mislead the public, especially when they pride themselves as the hub of sports in the country, which is all the more reason for them to be more careful in news reporting and not sensationalising news for the sake of ratings.
To the sports editor of Astro Arena, Mr. Lukhman Salleh, we strongly urge you to never distort facts and never try to hinder JDT from progressing.
HRH Brigadier General Tunku Ismail Ibni Sultan Ibrahim, Crown Prince of Johor.